created by: Steve

Thursday, March 24, 2011


My bachelors degree is in the realm of photography. Specifically Biomedical Photographic Communications. I know... Everyone has a friend who studied that in school. I'm just waiting to start my masters in Firespam Boom-drive'in Traveler. Because of my imaging background I often carry a camera with me. During the dusty, sandy, ashen summer ahead my camera will take a beating that no camera has been designed for. So far every year I've fought fire my faithful camera had to be retired because of a goofy lens, cracked screen or Error Code ####. 2011 will be different. With age comes wisdom.
Camera solution:
Canon S95 - solid metal body, Canon S60 treated me well, small, wide angle. Does magic in low light.
Pelican Case - Impact, dust, water and dirt resistant. Hooks to a backpack (line gear). Padded and Small. The military uses these to protect their expensive war gear.

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