created by: Steve

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

time line

I linked all my blogs from previous years at the bottom of the page. As much for interested parties as for myself. On the occasional winters day I read old posts the way you read a old journal. Often I don't get to far before my own punctuation and grammar mistakes drive me nuts. Proof read, proof read, proof read. Maybe if I say it three times it will happen?
Several times recently people have questioned the time line of my life. How long did you do that? How many months? I tend to guess because I frankly don't remember. Quick people tend to do some mental math and it turns out I should be 45 years old. It'd be much easier if I just stayed in DC taking pictures of Retinas for the last 4 years. Or would it be 5 years?

Thanks to government background checks I have great records.
Early years:
-Born: Salt Lake City, Utah
-Orlando, Florida
-Methuen, Massachusetts
-Start pre-school: Rochester, New York
High School Graduate: 2000
-College: Rochester Institute of Technology 2000-2004
College jobs: Assistant Retinal Photographer, portrait photographer, YMCA lifeguard/summer pool manager, teaching assistant, bookstore photo dept, warehouse guy.
-National Retina Institute, Maryland & DC metro area (July, 2004 – January, 2006)
-Americorps NCCC, Denver Colorado (January 2006 – November 2006) 3 months Chicago: Taxes, remainder Nederland CO: wild fires
-Keystone Colorado/Vail resorts: Drunk bus driver/ski bum (December, 2006 – April, 2007)
-Gila Hotshots, Wildland Firefighter (April, 2007 – September, 2007)
-Keystone Colorado (November, 2007 – April, 2008)
-Gila Hotshots, Negrito fire base New Mexico.(April, 2008 – September, 2008)
-South East Asia & Europe (Jan 2009 - Aug 2009)
-Montreal, Canada (Aug 2009 - March, 2010)
-Sisters Hill Farm, Hudson Valley (April, 2010 – Nov, 2010)
-Boom Truck Driver/Operator, (Jan, 2011 - March, 2011)
-Gila Hotshots (April 2011 - )

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